Monday, June 17, 2013

Pectin as a binder

Still loving my pectin binder, but take note: it appears to be an acid and will give extra oomph to the baking soda in your batter. Have reduced the baking soda in some of my recipes by a quarter to compensate. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the lovely skin and soft heels it gives me.

Went to Cash n Carry and stocked up on rice, brown rice, bulk cocoa powder, sugar, etc. I get a real sense of how much we eat when it's all produced from one's own kitchen.

Now, to store 50 lb of rice flour, 25 lb of brown rice flour, a jumbo bag of cocoa and 25 lb each of white and brown sugar... I know, I'll make room in the pantry and freezer that have been hollowed on the gluten raids!

Again, very happy with the waffle bread, which is used by the bucketful. Told my neighbor who's going gluten free and has five kids about it. Her kids have lots of allergies, digestive issues.

Stopped into a gluten free bakery today and quickly made my way out again. Not only were their many houseplants ailing (I'm a gardener, okay?), their inventory was dismal and their baked goods homely and leaden. I'm a fussy eater and demanding cook, and I can do better at home, so I went home and did. The neighbor actually moaned over my chocolate chip cookies, so I'm feeling a bit smug. Charge people $3 for a crumbly, icky GF cookie, will they? Take that!

We also visited the Asian Market on the way home, where I picked up sweet rice flour, oolong tea and fresh rice noodles. John's out of his depth among strange food, but quickly found the candy.  Meanwhile, I got inspiration for Gale in Wind Burn. Nothing like staring at dehydrated lotus leaves (what does one do with that?) pickled lotus root and dehydrated squid to stir the imagination. I think there'll be a heavy emphasis on foreign food in this book.

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