Monday, June 17, 2013

Another Day at the Zoo.

I ate a Glutino bar two days ago and had an allergic reaction. Never mind that it wasn't printed on the label, there must have been milk contamination in there, because I barely made it out of Walmart. I got home and had the kids bring in the groceries, then ended up on the floor because the allergy pill wasn't working (or working fast enough).

Granted, it took me a bit to figure out what the trouble was since the reaction began with asthma-like symptoms. By the time my lips started to tingle I wasn't firing on all four cylinders. I had the epi-pen in hand, but was stalling, dreading the side effects. And weirdly, I didn't want to make a hole in my jeans.

As my kids hovered around nervously, urging me to use it, offering to do it for me, I stalled, "Maybe we should pray about it."

Like I said, I wasn't all there.

My 16 year old then thunders in a deep cartoon voice: This is the voice of God! Let go of your silly fears and take the allergy shot." (the exact words are lost in a muddle, but close enough)

He then helped me with the epipen, holding it the necessary ten seconds while I hollered, because, OUCH! It's like jabbing a nail in your thigh.

Sigh. Just another fun filled day at the zoo.

Thanks to the shot of pure adrenaline, I had low blood pressure and slept a lot yesterday, and I'm tired today. It's annoying having my plans derailed, but I've got to cook at some point today, because hello! Ordering out is not happening. I really need to catch up and freeze some stuff for emergencies.

What I want to do is writing, but I may have to confine myself to pen and paper until my system settles down. At least it's forward motion, and bound to make me feel better.

And my Mom wonders why I don't get out more. Sheesh.

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