Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Grilled flatbread heaven

After many GF bread disasters, I got brave and tried the grilled pizza recipe here:

Thank you, Gluten Free on a Shoestring. I will buy your upcoming book. If you open a bakery, I will haunt it.

I was bummed because I couldn't do the pizza (milk allergies) until I was inspired to think of it as a flatbread. After that possibilities like teriyaki chicken, BBQ, bacon-jalapeno with pickled onion, etc. open up.

The xanthan gum was a problem, so I substituted pectin, tossed in an egg for good measure and crossed my fingers, thinking that grilled flatbread couldn't go too wrong. Imagine my delight when it came off the grill with lovely char marks and a pliable, delightful chew. Think sourdough pita and you'll nail it. My husband suggested adding black pepper or jalapenos in the crust, so tonight's batch will do just that.

We served it with shish-kebabs and taziki sauce, radishes, cucumbers and fresh corn on the cob. Yum!

Grilled Flatbread with Pectin

3 cups (420 g) all-purpose gluten-free flour, plus more for sprinkling

1 1/2 teaspoons pectin (omit if your blend already contains it)
3 teaspoons (9 g) instant yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons (6 g) sugar
1 teaspoon (6 g) kosher salt
3 tablespoons (42 g) extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing
1 egg
8 fluid ounces warm water (about 100°F)

1. Mix dry stuff. Stir in egg and oil, add water, stir. Cover, let rise in fridge at least 12 hrs or up to 4 days.

2. Remove from fridge. With lightly floured hands, pat out half of it on plastic, wax paper, foil, whatever and cover with a damp towel. Pat out the second half. Grill at 450 F (or really hot grill) for two minutes. Flip, add toppings if using, grill 2-3 min more. Remove with a pizza board (we used a small, unused cookie sheet) and feast!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pudding mix

Chocolate, vanilla, lemon or coconut, I've got your pudding needs covered. I mix mine with half canned coconut milk, half water for maximum deliciousness.

I made three pouches each of chocolate and vanilla mix, with cooking instructions on the canister and refill instructions on the baggies. The final product is as easy as store bought cook n' stir, cheaper and very, very tasty. The first batch never made it to the fridge, as the hungry hoards descended.

I think John had thirds.

Vanilla pouch:

To refill: 1 c sugar, 1/2 c corn starch (or potato, arrowroot, etc.), 1/2 tsp salt.

To pouch, add 5 c milk of choice and cook and stir until bubbly. Remove from heat, stir in 2 tsp vanilla (1 tsp of lemon or coconut, optional). Cool and serve...if you can wait that long.

Chocolate pouch:

To refill: 1 c sugar, 1/2 c cocoa, 1/4 c starch, 1/2 tsp salt.

To pouch, add 2 c canned coconut milk + 2 c water. Cook and stir until bubbly. Remove from heat and stir in 2 tsp vanilla. Cool and serve.

Great for pie, cake toppings and cream puff filling.

Water Kefir tastes like vanilla soda

In an effort to reduce the severity of my allergies to milk and wheat to non-fatal levels, I'm using probiotics. I ordered water kefir grains from Amazon, and so far the family loves them. What's not to love about something that lives on sugar and tastes like vanilla creme soda? (Yes, Judy, creamy things that don't contain actual cream are spelled "creme". I knew you'd notice ;)